Building stronger communities from the ground up.

We help improve the lives of people through better education and healthcare

The Ruth Sembrano Foundation aims to improve the lives of low-income rural and urban communities in the Philippines by investing in initiatives that create opportunities for individuals, particularly the youth. We prioritize improving accessibility and quality of education and healthcare services, so that individuals can thrive and create change for themselves and their families. We work with locally-led organizations, youth leaders, schools, and hospitals in creating evidence-based solutions that are tailored to the specific needs and context of our target beneficiaries.

Challenges in Education and Healthcare

Many individuals in the Philippines continue to face barriers in fully accessing their right to a quality education and essential healthcare. Some of these barriers, such as lack of modern infrastructure and resources, exist at a systemic level. Low-income communities bear the brunt of these challenges. Because of limited access to baseline services that ensure their well-being, they have less opportunities for success and face even greater odds as they work towards building a better life.

The country had a 1 : 1,100 hospital bed to population ratio before COVID-19

Only 47% of barangays had a designated public healthcare facility as of 2018

5 out of 10 Filipino families are deprived of basic education

2.8 million Filipino children are out of school

Setting up the next generation for a better future

We aim to improve the quality of life of children and youth by investing in their education. We will do this by initiating infrastructure projects-- building classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other facilities-- to increase and strengthen the capacity of local schools. We will provide essential resources and supplies for basic education, especially primary school, and explore opportunities to support students through scholarships as they pursue higher education. Through these initiatives, we can provide the next generation the opportunity of a more secure future.

Investing in quality healthcare for all

We will support accessible and quality healthcare for individuals by partnering with local hospitals, clinics, and health centers to modernize their infrastructure. Through this, we can ensure that these facilities provide the best possible care for our target beneficiaries. We also aim to deliver free first aid training to community members, particularly in remote areas, so that they are equipped for emergency and non-emergency primary care situations.

Help us strengthen communities from the ground up.